In the written exam of the AFCAT, there will be questions from GK, Reasoning, English Language and Military Aptitude. The standard of Mathematics will be of Matriculation level. The standard of other subjects will be that of graduation level of Indian Universities. Here is the syllabus of the AFCAT exam
Syllabus of English:
- Comprehension
- Error Detection
- Sentence Completion/ Filling in of the correct word
- Synonyms, Antonyms and Vocabulary
- Idioms and Phrases
Syllabus of Mathematics:
- Decimal and Fraction
- Time and Work
- Average
- Profit & Loss
- Percentage
- Ratio & Proportion
- Simple Interest & Compound Interest
- Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams)
Syllabus of GK:
- History
- Geography
- Civics and Polity
- Current Affairs
- Environment
- Basic Science
- Defense
- Art & Culture
- Sports
Syllabus of Reasoning and Military Aptitude:
- Odd One Out
- Analogy
- Coding and Decoding
- Figure Classification
- Spotting the Embedded Figures
- Pattern Completion
- Dot Situation Analysis
- Sequencing
- Venn Diagram
- Blood Relation
- Missing Figures
Now, the candidates are aware of the eligibility, pattern and syllabus of the AFCAT Exam 2019. They should start preparing for the exam soon as not much time is left for the exam. Dedicated efforts and proper guidance will help the students in getting success in the AFCAT Exam.