For the benefit of our students, Abhyasam Carrer Academy has compiled a list of FAQ as a ready reference to get a basic idea about NDA exam, eligibility, exam criteria, post exam opportunities etc. Hope you find it helpful.
What is NDA?
NDA is the short form of National Defense Academy which is a joint services academy of the Indian Armed Forces. It is the place where trainees of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, and Indian Navy get training together before they appear to pre-commissioning training in their relevant service academies. National Defense Academy is the first tri-service school in the world.
NDA candidates are selected by conducting a written exam, SSB and personal interview. This is held twice a year in the months of April and August.
Where is NDA located?
The NDA is located at Khadakwasla near Pune, Maharashtra.
What is NDA exam and who is in charge of conducting it?
For joining National Defence Academy, an aspirant has to appear in the entrance exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which is known as NDA exam. It is conducted twice a year. The UPSC is exclusively in charge of issuing guidelines for selection and the final conduct of the entrance examination. The NDA exam consists of 3 levels, the written examination, SSB and personal interview.
How many wings come under NDA?
There are 3 wings which come under NDA namely Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Navy. All the trainees from three wings are trained in the Academy for three years and graduating. They get their degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University. In addition, they get trained in outdoor skills.
Who is eligible for NDA exam?
It is only unmarried male candidates who have finished their class 12 or those who shall appear for their class 12 exams are eligible for this exam. They need to be between 16.5 years and 19 years.
How many times can a student apply for NDA?
The required age limit for the NDA Examination is 16.5 to 19 years. So, they can appear as many times as they want as there is no restriction on the number of attempts that are made.
What is the fee of NDA Examination?
The application fee for the NDA exam is Rs 100. They can deposit the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India/ State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur/ Sate Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala /State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit / Debit Card. There is a fees exemption for SC/ST/PH Applicants/ Sons of JCOs/NCOs/ORs.
How many seats are available in the exam?
Normally, it varies from year to year. In 2016, there were 375 seats in NDA, out of which, 208 seats were for Army, 42 for Navy, 70 for Air Force, 55 for Naval Academy.
When does one apply for the NDA exam?
Students can apply in December for April cycle of the exam and May for August cycle.
What is the selection criterion of the NDA examination?
Maths and General ability are the two papers of NDA exam.
The selection is based on Written Test and SSB Interview. Each the subject is given the time limit 2 ½ Hours, maximum marks for Maths is 300 & General ability is 600. Qualified candidates in the written examination will be called for Interview conducted by SSB (Service Selection Board).
What kind of training do the cadets undergo after they have finished with the NDA?
After they have finished 3 years of preparation in NDA, Khadakwasla the candidates shall spend:
- 1 year at IMA (for the Army cadets)
- 1 year at Air Force Academy (for the Air Force cadets)
- 1 year at Naval Academy (for the Navy cadets)
What are the minimum marks required in class 12 to be eligible to apply for the NDA exam?
They need to get at least the pass mark for class 12